Well Gigi, I do have a baseball stadium in my house, so you're not completely weird.

I do feel special about being in your dream, though. :p And next time you're in L.A., we definitely should meet up. I may not have Minute Maid Park in my house, but we can go to a Dodger game or something. Maybe we can even take Minute Maid o.j. with us and drink it there. That's the closest I can give you. I bet we would be chatting constantly if we met though, like you said. And laughing at dumb stuff. It sounds like fun, dude... when are you coming?

I seem to recall a dream about you too, around the time when I saw those H.E.G. (or whatever it's called) commercials with Andy and "Rog" in them. I don't remember many details, but there was something about a brown bracelet, and a baseball that hit someone in the face or head.

As far as I can remember though, that's the only BB-related dream I've had. Although up until just now, I didn't remember it, so maybe there've been others, too.