Originally posted by Mignon:
Has anyone had any dreams about anybody on the BB?
I had one about Zia!

Seriously, I just remembered it when I read this.

Zia, it was a while back, but I had a dream that I finally got to meet you. It was like one of the BB get-togethers, but I think that I was in LA, and we decided to meet up. I just remember that we greeted each other and were chatting constantly, and then you showed me this room which was, I guess, in your house. I looked through the doorway, and I swear, it was Minute Maid Park - the Astros' stadium. I seem to recall actually going in the "stadium," but that might've been in another "scene" of my dreams. I think it had the baseball theme because of our BBC and Ladies' Thread discussions. Anyway, I guess we've met each other, then, huh?