SB, how funny... I had a dream once that my boyfriend was cheating on me, and I saw him in real life the next day and wouldn't talk to him. I knew it was a dream, but I couldn't get over it. He kept asking me if I was okay, and I think I probably rolled my eyes and said "whatever" or something... and then he tried ignoring my mood, etc. Finally he blew up, and was like "WHAT DID I DO????"

The only recurring dream I have is that I'm falling, and I wake up when I hit the ground, and I even feel myself hitting the ground, but I wake up in bed, it's not like I fall out. Weird.

When I was little, I used to have a recurring dream where I was running on the beach towards the water, and once I reached the water I'd start swimming, and I'd end up on some other shore... like a deserted island, or Japan or something. Those were always fun.

By the way, the weirdness of dreams is best described by Mitch Hedberg... "I'm lying in my bed, all comfortable, and the next thing you know, I have to build a go-cart with my ex-landlord."

The weirdest dream I had was in high school... there was this guy that (I thought) I had never noticed, he never talked to me before, I don't think he was in any of my classes, I'm not sure... but I guess he was in my subconscious somehow. So I had a dream where I was driving, and I hit him and severely injured him while he was crossing the street. But even in my dream, I remembered thinking to myself, "this guy looks kinda familiar... does he go to my school?" That's the extent of how vague he was. However, the next day at school, he asked me out!! I couldn't believe it, I just stood there and stared at him for what felt like 20 minutes. And then I said no, which must have been SO confusing for him, after the weird look on my face and the long pause.