Has anybody ever had a dream where they actually feel pain? I've always had a recurring dream where I go down in my basement, and a mean ass bulldog comes out of nowhere and bites my balls. When I have this dream, I can actually feel somebody squeezing the life out of my testicles. I wake up and everything is back to normal.

So strange.

I also have a recurring dream where it's the first day of school, and everything is unorganized. Kids are just running around doing whatever they want, it's just one big party. Always have that dream.

Also, when my little brother was 3 years old, I saw him fall down my basement stairs and hurt himself pretty badly. Ever since then, I've been having dreams of him falling down those same stairs, the same way he did when he was 3. It's like somebody taped it and stored it in my mind.

Usually I remember dreams more vividly than other people. My family thinks I'm crazy because of how many dreams I have, but they don't realize that they have the same amount of dreams, but just don't remember them. When I'm dreaming, I often realize it during the dream, and start to control it. It's fun that way, because I can make whatever I want to happen, happen. It makes me happy.

I dig farmers don't shoot me please!