A recurring dream that I have is that it's either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day (or very close), and I haven't bought [i]any presents for my family. In "real" life, I always either buy presents, bake sweets, or make crafts for my family, so this "nightmare" scares me everytime I have it! It's not so much not having anything to give, just that I didn't realize I didn't have anything to give. [/i]


Don Andrew, you should appreciate this.
A while back, I had a Blues Brothers-themed dream. I (really) was in a Jazz Band in 8th grade. When I moved on to high school, most of the kids I knew in 8th went to another school than I did. Anyway, in my dream, I was sitting in an audience watching these kids perform. The stage curtains opened, and they were all dressed in white suits just like Cab Calloway and the band members were in, in the Blues Brothers, and they were playing this jazzy-type song reminiscent of Minnie the Moocher.

(More to come... )