They may call these communists states, but those you listed were totalitarian dictatorships (today's China and Vietnam probably count as some sort of transition between Marxism and capitalism -- definitely not communist is the true sense). That's why they sucked.

Communism seems to work fine in small groups, like tribes, clans, families, or hippie/religious communes.

Originally posted by Vito The Godfather:
Communism will never work out. Fidel, Stalin, Zedong, Pol pot, and company.

Looking at some facts, just Stalin himself being responsible for almost 50 million people killed in USSR, I understand Communism is all about greed, murder and unhappiness.

Pol Pot in Cambodia was accused of killing around 2 million out of a 7 mil. population withing only 3 years.

In China Communist about 27 mil. died.

Whats the reason for all these killings ? Does Communism really bring freedom ?

Maybe Freedom of murder.

The shame of Communism rule is that even after decades of total rule (see USSR), they simply didn't seem to improve in their average person, but otherwise; making their own nation conditions worse than ever. I really thought that Communism would bring that freedom, feeling of greatness; Marxism was considered the greatest of the greatest. But after learning some things, I didn't believe it so anymore.

Could Communism really turn itself into history as an ideological alternative to democracy ?

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"