After only 2 years of American might there is hope in Iraq.
Only two years? With how many more to come? At the cost of how many more American lives and how much money?

the dream that George W Bush saw as freedom in the Middle East is coming to life
Do you really believe that Bush invaded Iraq because of "a dream of freedom in the Middle East?"

Why aren't the Left Wingers in this country happy that we saved millions of lives?
They're not necessarily unhappy. they just think that the cost, in terms of money and American lives, was too great.

They (the left) are always saying we should get involved in countries that are hurting and rapeing and torturing their people but since George W Bush was the one who said Enough is Enough they are all mad.
With the exception of Patrick, I don't think there is one member here who says that (I could be wrong, there may be one or two others).

As far as other members of the left are concerned, if you're gonna speak for them you should be prepared to cite your sources.

If anything, what they do say (and what Patrick's point is) is that if we are going to go around the world helping people from other countries, then there are a lot of people from other countries who need our help more than the Iraqis.

God Bless the man who will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the USA.
Let's not get carried away here. Yes, he deposed Sadaam. Is that enough to have him go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents ever? Let's wait a while on that one, shall we?

And why might I ask that today in one of the biggest days in the history of the world....
It's wonderful that Iraq had free elections today. I wish the country nothing but peace and prosperity.

But to call today "one of the biggest days in the history of the world" is an exxageration, I think.

Well....let me qualify that statement:

I guess if you want to say that modern history has been around for maybe 1000 years, or about 365,000 days, and rated those days in importance from #1 (the most important) to #365,000 (the least important), and you want to say that the top one-quarter of one per-cent of those days - about 900 or so all together - make the list of "The Most Important In The History Of The World", then OK, it is.

Please don't misunderstand me. I'm very happy for the Iraqi people. I'm glad, now that the invasion is a fait accompli, that they're rid of Sadaam, and I hope that democracy takes hold and the country becomes free and prosperous.

But let's not delude ourselves here.

"Difficult....not impossible"