Originally posted by DonFerro55:
American IV: The Man Comes Around.

It's his last album made in 2002, right before he died. He made a video for one of the songs, Hurt(A fucking brilliant Trent Reznor cover), that was about his life and times. It's one of the best music videos I've ever seen. The songs sound very raw, along with his beat-up voice, but they are so great. The album has a lot of covers too, but some new ones and old covers of his own stuff. Definetly his best album because of the raw energy and honesty pumped into it by him.

The Doc
I just bought this album and it's pretty damn good. Though there should be some warning on Hurt - Not to listen to it on the influence on drink or drugs. It becomes fucking intense.

So die all who betray Giuliano