2. You know who's fault it is they're in such a bad shape: Europe. With the colonisation, they've destroyed the continent. So Europe has the duty to help them.

You're points are right, but you have the wrong solutions. Nobody needs to be sending any money, and it won't help anyways. Free food aid just means farmers can't sell anything. The West Wing debate had the right solution: tax cuts. The European colonists put in rules that made it impossible for the colonies to compete with them, and those countries haven't been smart enough to see the damage and get rid of those rules. In some of those countries you are looking at 70-90% tax rates, so nothing gets made legally. Some of these countries used to be big food exporters, but then their dictators made things worse., and now Zimbabwe has famine. Debt relief, food aid, AIDS money, and all the other trendy solutions are a waste of time. Those countreis need to figure things out for themselves, and the best assistance to be provided would be economists who can explain to them how to open up their government.