Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b] the kid

Do you really have to call him 'the kid'? You can of course, but it sounds so denegrating. [/b][/quote]
Originally posted by Patrick:
DC is accusing me of being a kid. I consider myself a young adult. Right, but you're on good terms with plaw and you both have respect for each other. Can't say that DC and I have the same compassion for each other.
Obviously you have this problem of not being able to distinguish business from personal. If someone disagrees with you on an issue, who have this habit of taking it very personally and you immedeatly bite back with a defensive attitude.

And that is why several others, including myself, do not consider you mature. Because you just cannot seem to argue or debate someone wihtout having hard feelings.

You have a problem seperating a disagreement with personal feelings. One has nothing to do with the other. Heck, how many times do you see Plaw and I lock horns on various issues, sometimes getting very heated with each other in our disagreements. But I still repsect Plaw and consider him a good friend. We may not agree with each other's views, but our maturity allows us to still remain friends and respect one another.

That's where you lack the maturity Pat. You cannot seperate your personal feelings from a disagreement about an issue. And you show it in how you reply. You are the one who has the problem with me, not I with you, kid!

Pat, your being offended of my calling you a kid is very confusing to me.

Here is the definition of kid : "a youthful expert; -- chiefly used attributively; as, kid Jones."

So you actually should take my calling you kid Pat as a compliment becasue I consider you a youthful expert!

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.