Originally posted by plawrence: Well, since men seem to be also having intercourse with each other, I suppose we could say that God made man to do that as well, couldn't we?

And I suspect that they're not "pretending" to enjoy it, but rather really are.

Yes, in the United States gay couples are permitted to adopt. And as in any parent-child relationship, the parents influence the child's personality and behavior in school. But there's no reason to assume that the effect of that influence in the case of gay couples and their children will be a negative one.
If you look at the correct definition of Marriage, it is, as instituted by God, a faithful, exclusive, lifelong union of a man and a woman joined in an intimate community of life and love.

But I have a question for you, since you are in favor of Gay marriage, how could a Homosexual union not contradict the nature of marriage?

Gay marriage simply can't cooperate with God to create new life; it is immoral, ugly and wrong. The natural purpose of sexual union can't be achieved by a same-sex union.

Do you think it can?

The Bible clearly says that Homosexuality is immoral, wrong and unnatural and that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of God.

"Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." Romans 1:26-27.

Originally posted by plawrence: Why abuse them even more by mating them with people?
Because we live in a freak world. See this freako now was about to marry his horse?

Originally posted by plawrence: How will gay marriage destroy the future of traditional marriage? I don't see that happening, since maybe 90% or more of the general population is heterosexual.
It might be 90% the general heterosexual population at the moment, but with these news laws allowing Gay marriages, traditional marriage will be affected by Gay marriage. But I am sure the message shouldn't be hard to understand; after all when Gay marriage becomes totally legal, it will ruin every contrast of Western civilization.

Marriage isn't just a commitment between two individuals plus some papers signed; it is both a natural commitment and a sacred union because it is rooted in the divine plan for creation.

Originally posted by plawrence: And what about the kids telling their friends at school? It's only because some members of society have an intolerant view of homosexuality that could cause a problem here.
Don't tell me you wouldn't be shy to tell your best friend at school that your Father is Gay? Isn't it different from everybody else?

I'd pee my pants off.

The intolerant view of homosexuality that some members of society have that you mean is the same that my parents used to have over myself hanging out with friends who smoke cigarettes: it is wrong. Because they may influence me in starting to smoke, it is wrong.

Why is it wrong?

Because it's unhealthy and may influence my life and future with serious Health problems.

"It is the mind that makes someone wise or ignorant, slave or free."