JFK...I was only 18 months old, but I do have vague memories of Robert Kennedy being shot.

Moon landing...I remember this because it was unusual in those days to get up in the morning and there was a programme on TV. The actual moon landing had happened in the middle of the night our time.

Elvis...I was 15 and was playing table tennis in my mother's kitchen (and yeah we didn't have too much room to make shots!)

John Lennon...again this happened during the night over here so I remember in those days when I got up I used to take the radio to the bathroom while I got ready for school. I heard the news as I was brushing my teeth!

9/11...I was in my office (it was 2:30pm here) when the phone rang. It was a colleague and we talked about business for a while, then he suddenly said "By the way do you have a TV in your office?". I said I didn't and he said "Well you should get to see one somewhere because something major is happening in New York". I spent the next few hours on-line.

Tom: "They shot Sonny on the causeway...he's dead."
Michael: "Turnbull is a good man"
Shane MacGowan: "It was Christmas Eve babe, in the drunk tank"