Like Geoff, I was asleep when the 9/11 attacks took place (I could be wrong but I vaguely remember hanging out 'til the wee hours online with Geoff the night before). I woke up about 9:30 and as was habit I turned on the tv. I had disconnected my cable hookup (getting ready to move) so I only had a rooftop antenna getting the broadcast channels. I couldn't figure out why the set wasn't getting any reception until I discovered only Channel 2 was coming in. They were showing both of the towers on fire and it wouldn't "sink in" to my mind that what I was watching was real. I watched for awhile and a short time later I turned on the p.c. to see what news was online. I spent most of the rest of that day online here while listening to the Air Force jets fly over my neighborhood.

JFK Assassination
I was in Spanish class (right after lunch). One of the other teachers came running in and shouted something in Spanish to our teacher. She translated for us about the president being shot. We were sent to our "homerooms" and the principal announced on the p.a. that school was closing. In the mass confusion of everyone leaving at once I couldn't find my friends and I walked home alone. I passed by an appliance store (in those days they always had tv's in the window) and I watched Walter Cronkite announcing that JFK was dead. I cried as I walked the rest of the way home.
