Not yet born for JFK's assassination. But I remember in 1993, on the 30 year anniversary, NBC re-aired the coverage they had of that day. It was fascinating to watch because 1963 wasn't instant media like we are accustomed to now. Even more strange was seeing the air personalities smoke cigarettes on television. But all they really were doing was speculating. First on JFK's condition and then, after confirmation of his death, who was behind it and what was the motive.

9/11: I was at work and rec'd a call from my mom. She said she couldn't understand why 2 US pilots would fly into the WTC. I knew instantly that it was a hijacking because no rational person would do what was done. Maybe one plane could have been an angry American. But I instinctively knew that 2 planes was a terrorist hijacking without seeing an TV coverage or seeing anything on the web.

A few of my co-workers went to our University's student lounge and watched the coverage for about 30 minutes. We saw the 1st tower fall live. It was surreal.

Attempted Reagan assassination: I came home from school (3rd grade maybe) and my friend John ran over to our house to announce that the president had been shot. I watched Dan Rather's coverage of it on CBS for the next few hours.

Challenger explosion: I want to say I was in 7th grade and it came over the PA announcement in school. I remember the stunned silence of everyone at school.