JFK- I was in 10th grade, 5th period English class. They turned the P.A. system on as we listened to them announce that the President was shot in Dallas. Silence fell across the entire room. I saw a teary eyed teacher (Mrs. Bergstrom)and couldn't help but get teary myself.

The bus ride home, for the most part was silent...except for one very "outspoken" kid who proceeded to say, "They should have shot him again & again & again, as far as I'm concerned." I'm sure a reflection of his politics and perhaps influenced by his parents, I don't know, but I wanted to strangle him. I always wonder if he remembers that.

Just a couple years earlier, during his campaign, I saw him in person, sitting on top of the back seat (in the open)in a convertible motorcade, drive right by the Catholic School I had attended. The nuns were overjoyed to have a potential Catholic President, and each teacher of the very small school, took the classes to the corner to wave at JFK as he drove by. I'll never forget it.

911 stands out of course very vividly in my mind. It was early here, and out of habit I turned on the news right when I wake up. The first tower was hit and appeared to be an accident. I saw the second plane hit, and everyone knew then it was much more than an accident. Left me in a daze the entire day, much like the JFK assassination, only with many many more lives lost.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon