As someone who is 1/16th Cherokee Indian and a graduate of UND, whose nickname just happens to be the Fighting Sioux, I would just like to get everyone's opinion on the recent ban of Native American mascots by the NCAA. Personally, I would consider myself a typical WASP, but since I am part Indian, I really don't feel too disrespected by going to a university that has a Native American tribe as its mascot. Actually, though, I'd like to correct my last statement. There never was truly a tribe named the Sioux. The Lakota and Chippewa Indians really didn't like their neighbors to the east, so they developed an early form of a racial slur, and called the members of this tribe Sioux. It was derived as a blasphemous term, but the name eventually stuck, and even today, there is a Sioux Indian Reservation in North Dakota. As someone who is also part Irish, why is it alright for there to be a sports team named after Irishmen, but not Sioux? I will admit that "Fighting Irish" is probably an appropriate nickname, given the stories I've heard from my ancestors, but I've also heard plenty of stories about how the "Sioux" tribe treated its neighbors in the state. The only reason I point this out is because the NCAA has declared it is OK for a cash-cow school like Florida St. to keep its nickname because the tribe has expressed its approval. Surprise, surpise, Florida St. brings in a lot more money for the NCAA than the University of North Dakota does! How do the Sioux express their approval, since there are technically no Sioux Indians alive in the world? I have a feeling that if UND was a division 1 football school/cash cow, like Florida St., that the NCAA wouldn't have any trouble looking the other way.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.