Well, I must ask the question again:

What is it about sex that gets everyone in such an uproar?

And, TDWFL, let me ask you this:

What gives you the right to impose your moral standards on another person?

You're entitled to your opinion, sure, but if a woman chooses prostitution as a way to earn a living, that should be her choice. And she should not be considered to be committing a crime because her moral standards may be different from those belonging to the majority of society.

As far as my sister or daughter being a prostitute, I would answer you this way:

No, I would not be proud of her. But so what? What difference should it make if I'm proud of her or not? It's her choice to make, and the level of my "proudness" with respect to how she chooses to earn a living should not be a factor.

And the only reason I would not be proud of her is beacause of the onus that society places on women who become prostitutes.

If society didn't care, as they shouldn't, then there would be nothing whatsoever to be ashamed of.

I wouldn't be particularly proud to tell people that my sister or daughter was a dishwasher or maid, either.

And, BTW Dr., some of the descriptive terminology that you use above to describe various parts of the female anatomy belies your apparent concern for women.

"Difficult....not impossible"