Originally posted by Patrick:

I NEED MORE. I think I am a modern day hippie.. and it feels good.

The Clash London Calling (I know it was released 12/79 but it is so 80's) Sandanista, Combat Rock

Talking Heads-Remain in Light,Speaking in Tougues, Stop Making Sense, True Stories

Elvis Costello- Blood & Chocolate, King of America, Imperial Bedrooms

The Replacement- (Best Band of the Eighties) Let it Be,
Tim, Please to Meet Me

If you like Lennon & the Beatles

Robyn Hitchcock (If you cross the Beatles with Monty Pyton you get Robyn Hitchcock)
Try "Gotta Let this Hen Out"

REM-All of there 80's records are great

"Francis can I have a momment"