Thanks everyone, especially those who put time in detailing with which hand they prefer to masturbate.

It has been quite a while, around two years now that we found out my youngest and most favorite niece, now age four is left handed. I think one of my aunts is also left handed, because she always takes scissors with her left hand, but she must have been forced to use her right hand at school.

Anyway, what got me thinking is that the other day I noticed she is sketching, way beyond her age and as usual with her left hand. It was really funny, because when she didn't get stem of a flower upright said, "Oh, this little flower is dying." She is a tad brighter than the rest of my nieces and nephew and personally from all those that I've known, I've never seen a normal left handed person. Among my classmates, they'd always stood out in some areas. So I'm very excited that she is left handed. Poor thing has a freak aunt who wants to study her case.

So now, we have Senza, Sully, Part and I know Beth is also left handed.

JM, in regard with playing piano, how long it took you to train your left hand to not yield to the tempo of what right hand is playing in unbalanced durations for each hand and act independent?

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones