Speaking from a South American country myself, you could say that many people (those who can form an opinion anyway) do not agree with US policies. I'm speaking for myself here, and I don't wish to 'insult' anybody's ideas, but for me, US foreign policies are too bothersome to the countries that do not want to have the US behind them at all times. I don't think it is their place as a superpower to meddle with some other country's businesses, and the fact that the original poster stated those comments would also lead me to think that many people think the same as he does: that it is the US' duty to get into foreign affairs and intervene as they think it is right.
They act on the grounds of enforcing democracy, but democracy is completely relative, and is open to different interpretations, therefore I think the US should stay out of world affairs and let an un-biased national organization (of course not the UN) intervene if a country has problems that are difficult to solve without help.

And this is not just me, but I think thousands of people who write articles or run protests or whatever. I don't think that would solve anything, but simply give them an inner peace. I simply hope a superpower would come out of somewhere to balance things out as they were during the Cold War. The US is the only superpower and therefore can act as they want.

I think that overall, the US acts too much or too little depending on the interests, but it is more than clear to me that if they intervene in foreign affairs it is not simply because they looooove freedom and democracy and they are simply eager to enforce it.


America is a continent, NOT a country.