I don't really think that he was the greatest of all time but I just can't let a discussion about the greatest comedians go without at least one mention of the late great Mitch Hedberg

There is also this guy I saw on an HBO special the other day ( I have HBO on demand so I have watched it about five times now) his name is Kevin Brennan, I'm not saying greatest but certainly someone I'm going to watch.

As for greatest of all time sure Pryor, Murphy (when he wasn't a family movie remake bitch), and Carlin. I might even go as far as to include Robin Williams in this list.

And Mista Mista my favorite joke of Izzard is either

"To my left you can see the Sea of Tranqulity and to my right...Oh my god it's a fucking monster"

or the whole cat,mouse,chair,table, monkey to France bit

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