Who do you think is the greatest comedian of all time and what is their best joke?

I'd say Eddie Izzard, with his best bit being this...

If a movie made any kind of business in America, Hollywood would remake it and it wouldn't be anything like the original.

It would be a Room with a View of HELL! Staircase of SATAN! Pond of DEATH! "What are ya doin' with the fuckin' matches! Always in here with the fuckin' matches!" "Hey, shut up! Hey, you fuck my wife? You fuck my wife? You fuck my wife?" "I *am* your wife." "Don't matter! Don't matter! You fuck my wife?" "Yes, I fucked your wife. I am your wife and I fucked her"

"Ahhhh... Oh no! Space Monkeys are attacking!" That's a part that wasn't in the original.
[mimes shooting guns that don't work, then dialing a phone]
"Jeanine, I love you, even though you fucked my wife." BWOOOOSH!


I dream in widescreen.