Don Cardi, I appreciate your non-tolerant stance against those extremist groups. I think, however, that forbidding those parties will do no good. First of all, it is always dangerous when the state dictates what opinions you are allowed to have and which you don't. It can be used in a bad way, just as some people argue that states are decreasing civil liberties in the name of anti-terrorism.

In Belgium the authorities made the flemish-nationalist party Vlaam's Blok illegal a few years ago. The next day it reappeared as Vlaam's Belang... The same things have happened in Germany where, naturally, national socialism is forbidden. So just forbidding those parties doesn't work.

Also I think that forbidding people to have some views is dangerous because the risk is that it actually make them stronger since they can picture themselves as martures and victims.

It is much better if society keeps informing, in schools and other places, about the lessons of authoritarianism, nationalism and racism that we learned in the 20th century. We have to fight extremism with humanism.

"Nobody ever mentions the weather, can make or break your day.
Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play"
"Hello hello it's good to be back, it's good to be back"