I wrote this when I was bored in an effort to save the world from the impending Zombie attack. Prepare friends. Let me know what you think.

The Zombie Survival Guide

By: Dr. Thadius Q. Ferro

So, you don’t want to be eaten by a zombie, huh? Well, it’s time to face facts. Eventually we all get eaten by zombies. It’s the number one killer of men, women and house cats. But, in the meantime, The Doctor will give you some valuable tips on how to keep those mindless brain-munchers at bay.

1. If you live in a house, you will die. Zombies love houses. They always go for houses. Move into an apartment. They will get bored looking through the directory for hours trying to figure which number you live at. Zombies have very short attention spans and will move on to houses.

2. If you have trouble spotting a zombie when you know they are around, just listen for moaning sounds. Zombies moan excessively loud, mostly stating their lust for brains. So just keep your ears open for that awkward moaning noise. If you hear it, check your roommate’s room to make sure he’s not fooling around with his girlfriend, if he’s not, then odds are it is indeed a zombie.

3. Women are natural prey for zombies. Their weak stature makes them a key target for the undead. If you are walking your girlfriend home and see a zombie, ask your girlfriend to stand still then run away.

4. Zombies are terrible runners. This is due to the rapid tissue degeneration in their legs. If you are walking to your car and see a zombie approaching, just run away and don’t bother with the car. Fact is more people are killed by zombies when they are stuck trying to open their car then if they had just run away to an apartment. On the other hand, if you are already in your car and a zombie attack occurs, just drive away as fast as possible. Also, contrary to popular belief, you should not turn around and try to run the zombie over; they might jump on your car. Just keep driving away. Let some other poor dope deal with it.

5. If your friend turns into a zombie, then just walk away. Say, “Hey listen man, I know we were friends and all, but you’re a zombie now and I’m not cool with that”. Don’t worry. He’s a zombie now and he probably will get over the loss of your friendship after he’s had some tasty brains.

6. If you are confronted by a zombie while eating, do not try and bribe the zombie with your human food. Zombies have a keen sense for flesh and will not bother with it. Just get up as fast as possible and run. They might pick at the food momentarily until they realize it’s not flesh and leave. By then you should be long gone and back at your apartment watching TV.

7. If you are in a pool and a zombie approaches, just stay in the pool. It’s a well-known fact that zombies are poor swimmers. They might fall in the pool in an attempt to reach you, but they will sink harmlessly to the bottom. They wont drown, but they will no longer pose a threat. If there are any remaining zombies, get the long pole with the net on the end and hit the zombie from the middle of the pool. This will annoy them and they will leave to eat people in the locker room. Once you hear people screaming from the locker room, it’s safe to leave out the back door.

8. If you accidentally interrupt a zombie while it is eating another person, just look at the zombie and say, “Whoops, I seem to be in the wrong room”, then leave. If the person is crying for help, ignore them. Once they are bitten they will become a zombie soon anyways so what’s the point?

9. If you meet a celebrity who has turned into a zombie, DO NOT ask for his/her autograph, they will just try to eat your brain. Though discerning a zombie from a celebrity might be difficult with some cases, such as with Keith Richards, just assume it’s a zombie and leave. Unless you see a crotchety, old, wrinkled man falling apart at the limbs playing a guitar, then you can be sure that it is indeed Keith Richards. This is because zombies can’t play guitars.

10. In the unlikely situation that the world is overrun by zombies and you are the only human left, just go to the store (Watch for zombies in the organic foods section, they like that stuff because it has the most similar taste to decomposing flesh) and get a lot of water, fruits and nuts. This will help to keep you thin. Then when the zombies come to your apartment, just open the window and yell down for them to look at you. They will see how thin you are and leave. Eventually all the zombies will turn to cannibalism-cannibalism. This is the stage when the flesh eaters eat each other. After they have eaten themselves to nothingness, you’re in the clear. Enjoy a world all to yourself. Become your own dictator. How fun! (Warning: Keep your eyes open for a few days. Some remaining zombies might be trapped in houses or cars still. They’ll be dead soon, so don’t worry too much.)

The Doc

And you liar, teller of tall tales: you trample all the Lord's commandments underfoot, you murder, steal, commit adultery, and afterward break into tears, beat your breast, take down your guitar and turn sin into a song. Shrewd devil, you know very well that God pardons singers no matter what they do, because he can simply die for a song.