Thank you, Reverand! Next, I'd like to welcome Louis "Looey" Farrakhan to the podium, my dear friend...

"It was a fix! Mr. Mr. Tom Hagen is clearly a racist, as he denied Double-J his unalienable rights! His ancestors probably were slave owners who thought it was normal to beat and whip Double-J's ancestors. Well, Mr. Hagen, are you proud to be a slaveowner? I think you are! It's clear that YOU are a racist, and your entire perception of the world is a little too white for the rest of us."

Thank you, Louis. Now, Charlie Rangel, D-NY.

"I think that this is an abomination on the entire voting system. Much like Bush has misled us into Iraq and stolen not one, but two, elections, Mr. J has been denied his eligibility because he is black. Therefore, he deserves not only to be wholly compensated, a program of GangsterBB Affirmative Action be enacted in his honor, where 1 of his posts counts for every 3 by a white poster, and he automatically goes up by two stars on his status, and is given moderation of his own forum, called the "black gangster section."

Thank you, Charlie!

Finally, Rev. Al Sharpton again...

"If Martin Luther King were a member of this board, he would say that his dream had died, just like Double-J's chances on this ballot. This entire forum is a mockery of society, and it continues to propogate the racist hate spewed from the white upper class. You people make me sick, and it is an abhorrent that Mr. J is not being allowed on the ballot because he is black. The ghost of Dr. King is upon you, Hagen, you slave owner! And you, Mr. Geoff, if that is your real name (yes, we know you TOO are related to racist slaveowners) have done nothing to alleviate this section. And Mr. P Lawrence, aka Neal Pulcawer, you are another fine example of the Jew using the Black as muscle against the white, though you too have seen that your Hebrew powers are no match against the man and you lost to Mr. Geoff, who obviously employed all of his white racist brethren to employ their ancestral hatred in a vote of solidarity!

Mr. J deserves compensation! Free at last! Free at last! My God, he shall be free at last! I demand that he gets 5, nay, 10 votes by default for the next ballot, just to even the score against the WASP and Jew members at the Gangster BB. Then, maybe he will finally have a chance to be free as a black man.

We also have a secret picture of the registration of Double-J at the forums, where he is ritually humiliated by Mr. Geoff and Mr. SC, just to get accepted, while his white brethren simply were free to click "yes, I accept these terms" and begin posting.


I hope you are pleased with yourself, you racist pigs!"