I had an idea to create a Hall of Fame of sorts for this board. We would elect one new member into the hall of fame once and a while, maybe once every week or every two weeks.

The members would be voted in based on certain criteria including...

- overall knowledge of The Godfather Trilogy and other mob films
- continuing contribution to board discussion
- tenure here on the board, aka how long theyve been here
- personality, whether they are a likeable person, friendly, helpful, etc.
- and if we need to, we can just revert back to the numbers, and go by number of posts

So at the beginning of each new election to the Hall of Fame, someone, maybe me for every one or perhaps the job could rotate, could nominate 4 people. Over the allotted time period, 1-2 weeks or so, people could vote, and who ever has the highest percentage at the end is formally inducted.

If people dont agree that any of the people being nominated should be in the Hall of Fame, they can abstain from voting. Perhaps if none of the nominees reach a certain amount of votes, then no one is inducted and new nominations are posted.

Just a fun little idea, people can participate if they like. I wont post a required amount of votes for this one, we'll see how many vote. Hey, maybe itll catch on.

So, for our initial induction, why dont we try a 2 week period. Ill make the first 4 nominations, and we'll go from there.

Gangster BB Hall of Fame
single choice
10%, 4 Votes
J Geoff
49%, 19 Votes
36%, 14 Votes
Don Vercetti
5%, 2 Votes
Total Votes: 39
Voting on this poll ends: 10/19/05 04:47 AM

I dream in widescreen.