I'm a big fan of kevin smith, and clerks has always been my favourite of his jay and silent bob movies. I have been keeping up with news on the sequal to clerks and was definatly happy to hear they have added Rosario Dawson to their cast.

So yesterday im reading about how its gonna be in colour, and that they are going to shoot it differently then the orinal..which is fine. except one thing, the original worked because of its charm. part of that charm was its dirty look. do we really want to see a clerks that is in colour...losing one of its many charms? and do we want to see an older dante and randal? i love the first one, but worry about how this movie might change my feelings towards the characters.

please leave your opinions.

"strange things happen all the time, and so it goes and so it goes. and the book says, 'we may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us'" - MAGNOLIA