Originally posted by Fame:
Afsaneh : If im not mistaken, I think you once said that the only man you're going to be with - is the man youre going to marry.
Does that mean that in Iran, it is not acceptable to switch boyfriends, or even have boyfriends ?
do women usually choose their husbands in Iran, or is the family doing match-making ?
I don't clearly remember saying that, but it is pretty much along those lines, I don't mess around unless there is a good chance that we end up together, that we know each other well enough to take it to the higher levels.

But that's not how everyone is. It really depends on your family values and where you're from, a large city or a small town. Here there are boys and gals that switch boy/girlfriends, there are others who sit for family matchmaking.

Sex out of wedlock is commonly unacceptable, moving together is almost out of question, while going out, for dining or going to movies is all right.

And honestly, I've not seen one soul that I really like and he likes me back too. So, I'm still looking.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones