Last year, Brad and Melanie moved in as my new neighbours.
They've been dating for 3 months and decided to move in together for a while before getting married. (which turned out to be a wise decision)

Anyway, I talked to Brad last night, and he told me that he and Melanie are history :

The thing is that Diane, a very good childhood friend (female) of Brad, came back to the U.S last month and they met a number of times, much to the dislike of Melanie.

One time he had coffee in her house, and Melanie exploded when he came back home. He told her that he and Diane have always been close friends, and just because they meet each other, it doesnt mean they have anything 'romantic' going on. He told her "I love you Melanie, ONLY you"....but that was 2 weeks ago, and they didnt argue about it since, Brad thought she understood. She didnt.

Last night : Brad and Diane decided to meet again before she leaves back to France in 2 days. They went to the movies.
Here's the "transcript" of last night according to Brad :

Brad : Melanie, Im back.

Melanie : Yeah, I heard your message in the answering machine. You went with HER again!to the MOVIES!!!I thought you already have a girlfriend, what am I, a SPOON????!!!

Brad : Wowwww...calm down, I told you shes a FRIEND, not a GIRLfriend, would you be so upset if I went out with Phil instead? No,right? Well, Phil AND Diane have been my best friends ever since I remember myself, and thats not going to change---you're being unfair!

Melanie : Oh please, you can go on and ask any person you want if its normal for someone to go see a movie with another WOMAN when he already has a WOMAN!! Wake up Brad!!

Brad : What are you talkin about??shes leaving to France in 2 days.....

Melanie : Well best hurry up so you could catch the next flight. YOU CERTAINLY MADE YOUR PRIORITIES SO FAR. Im not hanging around here as your sidekick Brad. ITS OVER!!!!

Brad : How can u say that????!!!!after all our history together???HOW CAN U SAY THAT!!!!

Melanie : History???How dare you talk about our history after what you just did to our relationship?? No, Brad. Rewind. Stop. Eject. Take our movie back to the Blockbuster. Its overdue.

>>>>Melanie left the house with 2 bags already packed. - She must've packed them after hearing his message in the answering machine.

Well, thats about it.

I really dont know what to think about it, is it really considered "wrong" to have friends of the other sex, or are you supposed to let'em go once you find a spouse?

I know I will never let my friends go. I mean I have a group of friends, we are basically 6 males and 4 females, all of them I consider Brothers and Sisters. So how hard is it going to be to find a girlfriend who wouldnt mind me visiting my female friends ?
I dont see why I can keep my male friends and tell the female friends bye bye just because they're females.

Friendship has nothing to do with gender.

Your thoughts ?

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)