Originally posted by Snake:
I learned two important things after the hurricane that I obviously missed in my school classes: (1) Contray to my Earth Science course, apparently hurricanes are NOT colorblind and can differentiate between black and white! Wow! and (2) Contrary to what I learned in Civics class, the President is not only the President of the U.S., but he's obviously also supposed to be the mayor of every city and the governor of every state! :rolleyes:

New Orleans had a PLAN for this disaster over two years ago. Someone dug up a year-old interview with the governor and asked should this scenario occur, who would be responsible for search and rescue, finding shelters, and most importantly, evacuations. Guess what she said? "You're looking at her." Well, no DUH!! You can't "save" people from themselves. And don't give me that what-about-those-who-were-too-poor-to-leave crap. If the mayor would have had any sense, he could have used everything with four wheels to get folks out, period.Good God, he had a week to do it in! No, he'd rather piss and moan and blame Whitey and Bush.

Yeah, I have a heart and I DO feel for those folks. But let's just be frank here: Many (if not most) of them thought they could ride the storm out, and they were wrong. The same damn thing could happen here in Memphis with an earthquake. They've been predicting it for decades, and some day, it'll hit. Everyone knows about it. So, when it hits and I die, who's to blame? ME, that's who. And if our ignorant mayor survives, you know who he will blame? The President (unless he's a Democrat) and Whitey. Turns my stomach.

It's a sad day indeed when a natural disaster is blamed on a man, and it's even sadder when it's turned into a racial and political issue. Get up, get over it, and move on already.
WELL SAID, Snake. I hate to say it but a lot of blacks want to just place the blame with anybody but themselves. I feel sorry for everybody, but like Snake said, how can you blame a hurricane on the President.