I agree SB! During Condi Rice's speech when asked about denying help from other countries, she said they aren't denying help from anyone. However, she said there's a person "in charge" who will be determining what countries and what help we will accept. Isn't this a time we take at minimum food/first aide without having to have it approved and/or go thru the red tape? These people werent' getting it from our government and needed the help.

Like with 911, certain images stay in my mind. With Katrina, without a doubt, what will remain with me is the image of the hordes of people begging for help, especially the mothers holding sickly babies pleading for assistance. I just can't get that out of my mind. Makes me cry. What a helpless feeling, and how deserted they must have felt.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon