Foreign aid solves no problems. The money goes to some African nation and a few hours later they are in a Swiss bank account. That's reality. Corrupt dictators take the money and nothing happens. Actually, I saw some stats a while ago pointing out that there was a connection between the level of aid and poverty of African nations - the more aid the poorer people.

USA already gives most money, yes, and with their big budget deficit, how can you argue they should start giving out even more?

And guys, you are wrong, we DO care in Europe. We care much, actually, and aid has been sent to you. I don't know exactly how you guys responded but I know that many offers were turned down by George W. We sent a part of our air force to help you btw. Even tsunami-devastated Sri Lanka offered you money!

My country is not the health paradise that some of you guys say it is. Our dental health care is for example not free, and poor people can't afford getting their teeth fixed and some lose their teeth and shit. The quality of our health care is also declining, and the Social Democrats have in their eleven straight years in power failed in fighting unemployment and segregation (they have btw been in power for 64 of the latest 73 years and they were the ones who created our good welfare state, but in recent years they've become corrupted and suck, therefor the liberal-conservative coalition probably will win the elections). So you left wing socialist guys should beware of using the recent development in my country as an example. But overall, our mix between socialism and capitalism has been very succesful.

"Nobody ever mentions the weather, can make or break your day.
Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play"
"Hello hello it's good to be back, it's good to be back"