Without giving reasons for such choices, such a list is invalid. That would go for a Best list too.

As it is, without any elaboration on such a list, as to why they chose them, it seems controversy for the sake of it, without much thought.

Chicago was never rated all that highly in the first place outside of Oscar ceremonies (I loved it); and I agree with Mystic River, though that isn't as overrated as Million Dollar Baby. Both are trite films full of genre clichés neither Eastwood's direction nor Paul Haggis' script can avoid. Satisfying for those who can handle predictable melodrama. Forrest Gump, along weith The Shawshank Redemption of the same year (1994), always verges on being overrated. Both are films that could easily disappoint when hyped up too much. I need to see the former again soon, to reinforce (or change) this opinion. Fantasia (1940) is a phenomenon.


...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?