Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Sure it's ridiculous to have a 66% scale or Yahoo's shitty ABC scale
Crap I include both, my reviews must really suck

Yes I give movies a percentage score AND a letter grade, not only that but I *gasp rate on entertainment/merit . I know but it is stupid and inane to rate on how I feel about a film’s entertainment value, it is sooooo subjective, well so is a four star system – it is all subjective to what we think is important.
I have watched a lot of movies, more than the average American. I have taken classes in production and appreciation. I know that some movies are better constructed than others, I mean even I won’t argue a Man on Fire over a Birth of a Nation but I rate how I do because not everyone is like me. (or Don V/Capo/Ronnie or any number of other board members) When I was watching Million Dollar Baby with my family and there were those excellent shots of the gym in darkness, I commented on how beautiful the shots were with the harsh shafts of light and they just looked and me like “shut up”.
I’m not saying that well constructed films can’t be entertaining but still yet Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould is not for everyone. Just like some people refuse to “read” a movie (I’m talking literally Capo, I know you “read” film but I’m talking subtitles here) some people just want to see something. I rate how I do because when a friend or friend of a friend asks “Hey what is good in the theater or DVD” I give them an answer I think is suitable to them, sure I’ll still try to throw out a well constructed film but I also give them the latest Ice Cube film because that is what they want to see.
Don V, Capo, and Ronnie rate on historical merit and that is fine with me, I read their reviews and thoughts and I actually like them, I like to read a hardcore somewhat pretentious opinion because I like to watch films for their construction too. But to me the guy down the street doesn’t care about tracking shots or canted angles, he wants to know if there are tits in it or if the fight scenes are that Wire-fu stuff. I’m a critic for that guy.

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