In rating films, I do that although I think "ripping" apart is a negative way of putting it.

I'm not gonna say "Hey man, Top Gun was great! ****!" I give good ratings to films that deserve it, entertainment is a different story, and rating a film by entertainment would be a flawed way of rating a film. Hell, that would mean giving more **** then Roger Ebert.

Everything began as entertainment. Painting, music, cinema. It all began as that, but it became art within time. And if you rate films just for entertainment, then what happens when you watch a film that's more extreme in art? Or what about old comedies that have jokes that may be too old for you? "IT WUZ BORIN!"

I rate Duck Soup ****, because it's one of the greatest comedies ever. It doesn't make me laugh out loud as much as more modern comedies do, but I'm not close-minded enough to say "IT SUKED." I appreciate it for it's time. My Best Ever list is based on cinema as an art form, entertainment is for the most part, a weak rating experience that I save for my FAVORITES.

If I'm watching a "dumb action flick" chances are it's a shitty movie, if that's the description.

Man on Fire entertained me a LOT, however I'm not gonna say it's great, because it's a horribly made film filled with Hollywood cliches.

Proud Member of the Gangster BB Bratpack - Fighting Elitism and Ignorance Since 2006