Well, I adore cinema and even though I don't mind spending a couple of hours just for mere escapism, my ideal movie is basically art. Now, what does "art" mean? Yeah, the typical "one million dollar-question", right! To cut a long story short, I dare say art is the human activity which makes mankind more similar to God. In fact, in the artistic process, the artist is similar to God. Through his talent, he creates. And offers his creation to the world as a fruit of his soul, by which not only he expresses himself as an individual but also testifies the human condition. In fact, when we experience art we are touched to the core as if we are part of it. What does a Botticelli's Venere, a Mozart's sonata, a Shakespeare's sonet tell us? They not only display the huge amout of their authors' talent, they somehow offer themselves to us, to our comprehension, to our sympathy. It almost looks as if we are a required part of the artistic process. In our souls, as long as they are captured and moved by the piece of art displayed to us, the artistic process is completed to our enjoyment. By means of art we embetter ourselves. The same process applies to cinema. We can have a lot of Harry Potters (no offence to the numerous HP fans we have here ), but only one Godfather (or two :p ).

Hope this make any sense?

I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic. I try to give that to people. I do misrepresent things. I don't tell the truth. I tell what ought to be truth (Blanche/A streetcar named desire)