I FINALY made it back home a few minutes ago. But, before I go on with my thoughts on the BB weekend I just want to apologise for my depressed mood Saturday afternoon and the rest of the evening. I recieved a phone call that my 10 year old son who was in KY. with his dad was sick and not being there with him and not knowing all the details did me in.

I had a real good time being with you guys. I really wish I could see you guys more than once a year.

I got to philly about 3ish and my room wasn't ready so I met up with Cardi and his family. Went to the Mint but it was closed so we went to some visitor center looked around there for awhile waiting for Becky to get there.

Yea Friday's dinner was great. Thanks for finding that place for us Signor Vitelli. Me and Mrs. Cardi each ordered a 1/2 order of spaghetti. It seemed like the more we ate of it the less it went away. I was starving but I couldn't finish it. I had a real good time at the Independence Brew Pub getting to know TIS and watching you guys order round after round after round while I just drank my coke. That was a nice place to bad the music sucked. My highlight was watching Becky have a stare down contest with DMC and Cardi. I forgot who won though. Oh yeah Geoff and Cardi's Tony Montana impressions were great.

Saturday was just as great even though I recieved the news about my son. Boy was it HOT that day. It was great walking around the city with you guys. I thought the cheese steak was good. I just wish I enjoyed it more but my nerves was in a tail spin. The open air market was great except for the fishy smell. I was able to have my first cab ride to. I always enjoy somebody else doing the driving.

The Moshulu was great. I'm glad I was able to see another piece of GF history. Geoff that was a great pic of you but you geez you really did get excited didn't you. All your pic's were great. I took some but I haven't a clue on how to post them.

I guessed it helped making the reservation at the La Veranda under the name Godfather Crew, having a room all to ourselves and the big table. I kept waiting for the Don's from other parts of the country to come in. Franco was the best. He was so helpful and explaining things to me. BTW Thanks again to Vitelli for telling me and Becky what all that food was. Like others have mentioned if you go to Philly go there for dinner and see if you can get Franco as your waiter. It was great him and Cardi talking like Tony Montana.

And the cab ride from Hell OMG I wanted to kiss the ground when I got out of the cab. The only thing good about is was Vitelli saying Nice work Lou and I didn't have to walk.

Then back to the Independence Brew Pub to chill the rest of the evening. It was right by the hotel so that was nice. The famous quarter game. It took me like a hundred tries(big surprise there huh) but I finally got one in. SB tell Mr Babe I have a year to practice but I'll get as good as he is. And DMC and Geoff and Becky. Cardi I'm sorry that you left early. Once SB starts laughing she can't stop. The music still sucked but I really enjoyed the company.

Me and Becky got to bed around 2am but we got woke up by an obscene phone call. Actually Becky answered the phone. And she complained when we checked out so the Mgr. called my cell phone Sunday on our way to KY. and she is going to send us a gift certificate for a percentage off on our next vist to the Hilton Garden Inn next time we go to Philly.

It was a LONG 10 hour drive to Kentucky. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown by the time we got there. I was wanting to get there and see my son(s).

Me and Becky had a really great time with you. We've come to the conclusion that you all live to far away from us so you guys will have to move closer to us. Thanks for everything. And DMC thanks for helping me out you are the best. I am so tired from all the driving I've been doing for the past few days. I'm going to bed.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12