Well finally back home........so much to say so much to say.

First off, apparently in Philadelphia you can not make right turns, well you can make right turns but only if you want to make a left turn, and of course at that time left turns are not allowed.

I got VERY sick on Saturday, I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't have to worry about passing out in the middle of the open-air market

I am NOT a ringer at quarters, I'm just a fast learner

The thing I love about these get togethers is that not only do we (obviously) love everyone from the board but even their husbands, wives and children are also great people.

In no particular order:

TIS!!!!!!!!!!! It was great to finally meet you. I met you on friday and it was like I've known you my entire life. Remember, philadelphia vehicles don't yield to anyone lol

Don Cardi, what more can I say that I haven't already said about you, great friend and it was nice to have time to sit down and talk with you. It was great talking to your wife, and your daughter is a very funny girl lol.

JG, you snore, A LOT. and thanks for keeping me up til 5 in the morning both nights

SB and Mr. Babe, as always it was a pleasure to see you again. Mr. Babe kept slipping me 10 bucks whenever I got the quarter in so thats the only reason I kept picking you haha
I did find out some very interesting things though lol, we'll have to do it again sometime (you both seem like the "cool parents" kids think of, although I'm sure your kids don't feel that way lol).
EDIT: I remember lifting many a mug because of the both of you too lol

Smitty, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you more, your wife is great and your daughter is a riot, shes got way too much energy lol.

Signor Vitali, you should be on jeopardy, I've never seen someone know so much about so many different things.

Mig and Becky, thank you Mig for setting up La Veranda under "The Godfather Crew", it was great seeing you again. Thank you Becky for putting the hotel deals together, allowed more money for drinking Next time we'll go somewhere with biscuits and gravy :p

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"