It's been very nice here in Philly. And even though I so much missed some friends who couldn't make it this year I am so happy I got to meet so many for the first time. They are all so fun (and nice) to be with.

We went to the Moshulu's for drinks last evening, and it was actually very nice. The ship is huge (to me anyway) and open not to mention crowded. We took pictures of the group standing in front of it, and hopefully someone will post it.

We had one of the most fabulous meal I have ever eaten at the wonderful Italian restaurant we went to. I lost count of the courses, but trust me, there were a lot. I swear we were eating for 4 hours straight. We talked to the fantastic waiter who told us that not too long ago he met Al Pacino, who dined there. He said Pacino was with about 8 other guys and said he's also met Joe Pesci, along with many others. This guy does a great Tony Montana and really was rather entertaining. We all loved him.

We ended the evening in a "brewery" around the corner, which really had two of my favorite things going for it; TV screens surrounding the area with nothing but sports. But the good news is the volume was turned off; then again the bad news is, the volume was turned off so we could all enjoy the wonderful rap music that the DJ was playing.

SB introduced me to this quarter game which I totally sucked at, but everyone found quite entertaining, as we played it the entire time we were in the bar. Mr. Babe it seems, is somewhat of an expert in this field.

I'm off to NYC this afternoon and am very much looking forward to my few days there. Damn!!! I love vacations. I wish I could party, travel and eat as good every day. Then again, I'd probably be fat & broke if I did this all the time.

Great trip!


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon