Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Originally posted by Mignon:
[b] I hate to be a party pooper again but I just talked to my daughter and she say's she is very sorry but she won't be able to help this time cuz she is to busy with her job duties and tomorrow she is coming up to ohio for our vacation. I am sorry I tried. Don't yell at me
Why are you sorry? We all appreciate that you and Becky got us the rooms in the first place. So we stay where we are already booked. No big deal.

Thanks again Mig for all your hard work and your effort. I think that we all owe you and Becky a drink when we get to Philly. It's the least that we can do.

(now would sombody please PM Apple to complain about what I just said? )

Don Cardi [/b][/quote]Prego.(that is the word for your welcome right?)

DC- How long have we been talking to each other now? You know how I am. Stoopida focking hotel

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12