Don Cardi, again you miss my point.

I don't think ANYBODY here is specifically telling ANYBODY what to do or where to stay.

However, the people in the group who want to smoke in their rooms...and that's really all it comes down to...smoking in your room...are asking others to consider switching hotels so that they can do so.

We still have the Gangster BB Convention. We still have the weekend. We still have the Moshulu, and the dinners planned for Friday & Saturday night.

Nothing has changed here except for the ability to smoke in one's room. That is all this past 24 hours has been riding on. A cigarette in a hotel room.

Nobody needs to TELL anyone what to do because everyone's going in circles saying it should be a 'group' decision.

Yet, we have not yet made a 'group' decision. So far, we are all, each of us, just letting everyone know what WE would like to do.

Now that it's gone this far, to quote TIS...a decision HAS to be made.

So for Christ Sake...let's make one.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.