Does anyone know how far Shula's is from the hotel?

By the way, much of the color just left my face as I reviewed the pricelist kindly provided by Beth E. On average, about double what entrees at the Moshulu are. If we divide the tab evenly as with the last BB dinner I attended, that'll probably come to around $80-90 per person! Personally, I don't even care if Saturday's dinner is at the hotel; I'm not coming for incredible high-priced food, I'm coming to hang out with everybody.

Don' mind my venting, especially since I just came on board. No matter what...I'll go where the majority decides for Saturday night. If I put aside $1 a day till then I'll have more than enough!!

Regarding transporation, sharing a few taxi's sounds like the best idea. Once I make it to the hotel, I sure ain't driving again until it's time to head home!!


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.