Well I just got off the phone with MIG and of course the first thing I did was tell her how much we all appreciate her and her daughter's efforts.

I explained to her that right now it was hard for many to commit this far in advance and that even if 10 did commit there was the strong possibility that several would back out later on, which would nullify the discount rate.

I explained to her that it is understandable why some cannot commit this early, and at the same time that it was not fair to her, and especially Becky to continue to knock their brains out at this time.

She said she understood and told me to thank all those who were appreciative of her and Becky's efforts.

Of course she said that she will call Becky and pass the info onto her and see what she says. She will post after the weekend.

In the meantime, assuming that Becky needs at least 10 guarenteed reservations to hold that rate, and it don't look as though we are going to get ten guarentees, then maybe those of us who are really committed to this should consider MIGNON's other suggestion for a Hotel, The Wyndham.

Maybe those who are really serious about going should just book a room at The Wyndham, this way we are guarenteed to at least have a room, and if something changes down the road where MIG can still get us a rate with a less amount of people, and we all decide to do that, then all we have to do is cancel the Wyndham reservation. But If Becky cannot get us the discount rate with less than ten, then at least we'll have a room booked at the Wyndham.

Just a suggestion.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.