The Rocky Steps are at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, which is a pretty good one but a bit of a hike from center city.

As far as tourist attractions go, though, don't get too excited. The Art Museum is good and they also have an excellent Museum of Science and Natural History (The Franlin Institute).

Also, if you really like Fench Impressionist painting, visit the Barnes Foundation, which has one of the best collections in the world. Just remember to email them for tickets a couple of months in advance.

But aside from those, the only attraction I found of interest was Independence Hall, where the framers of the U.S. Constitution did their work. There's a whole tour (naturally) which was pretty interesting.

The Liberty Bell? You walk past a big old bell with a crack in it. The whole thing takes five minutes, not counting time spent waiting on line. Then there's the Betsy Ross House. Nothing remarkable about that. You get to tour the house and see the room where old Betsy put together our first flag. Fifteen minutes, tops.

"Difficult....not impossible"