Originally posted by Don Cardi:
There is NO head butting going on here Apple. It's human nature that when you have a bunch of people trying to decide on something, there is bound to be some conflicting ideas. Nothing that any of us will get peeved with each other about. I think that we are all too mature for that nonsense. We are all adults here. And at least those posting back and forth are making positive suggestions and making an effort in providing different thoughts and ideas.......instead of just sitting back and having fun watching others try to contribute to something of interest to all involved....
Don Cardi, I did stress lighthearted headbutting. In other words it's obviously not turning into an argument but it has gotten a little complicated even with all the 'positive' suggestions. And it is a little bit fun to watch.

And although I maintain it makes no real difference me where the convention is finally held...I did also make a few minor suggestions (such as it should be narrowed to 3 'favorite' cities, and the final location/hotel decided between the moderators, otherwise you have just too many options - that's not even including the dates which has evolved into another issue) ; even if I didn't expect them to be taken.

Anyway, carry on....


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.