Listen mang, firs we talking New Chork, Chikaco, Los Angely, Pheely, New Chersey. Den we acree on a place mang. No problem mang. Now we chuss ga to acree on a date mang. Dis stuff go roun an roun makin me tizzy mang! Lye I snort too much yayo! Chu all decite on da date mang, and den shu ley me no. Ok mang? Ok. Da fockin Matla mang, he da Gafadda of dis boar mang? All dat guy care abow is his focking stoli mang and his hi spee eenternet mang! Guineas, Mob guys, I dunt truss dem!

Chu no wha I tink mang? I tink we all shude go ta Cuba!

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.