More food for thought....

Last April when checking flights to Michigan, I couldn't believe that the cheapest flight I could get was $450.- $550. Twice as much as I paid to go to NYC. Anyway, thru Priceline, I thought I'd "name my price", which guaranteed departure/arrival between 6:00 a.m. & 10:00 p.m. (no overnight flights), and on a major airline. For the heck of it, and being willing to take the gamble, I put in 250., well they came back with a $327. which is still over $150. less than I was finding searching "regular" flights.

Now, I know they do the same thing with hotels and looking thru the Priceline site, you can choose (I used NYC since I have a vague idea of the area as compared to Philly, which I don't know at all) whether you want a 2,3,4 star hotel showing a map (SB provided) so you can check the areas you're willing to stay, and put in a price you're willing to pay, then they'll either accept it or offer you another price. The thing is, once you purchase it, there are no refunds and/or changes. Anyone ever use this for a hotel before??? Another snag would be, we'd have to order rooms at one time, by one person to guarantee we are all in the same hotel.

Another suggestion which I haven't followed up on yet, is I have noticed with some hotels they offer a "group" rate, in many cases for 5 or more rooms. I'm guessing we'll have around 5 rooms no????? I don't know how much of a discount they're talking but we could check that.

Finally, DC, I don't get you're last reply. :p JFK airport area is no good???????


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon