I've seen things like this get really confused when the voting choices are scattered way out there.

While I'll still abstain from voting since only one location would be good for me...might I suggest that Don Cardi, JGeoff, SC and possibly plaw look over the links provided and decide on THREE finalist cities. Then put those 3 out to a vote and everyone gather at the winner in 2006.

Don't count this as a vote since I wouldn't come anyway...but I happen to agree with Don C about the 'convenience' of travelling to Chicago which really is the one central point for almost everybody.

Incidentally...why does it have to be a 'major' city?
What would be the problem with everyone booking a chosen motel at some smaller vacation spot like Wildwood, NJ. Much cheaper, plenty to do and even within driving distance of AC in case anyone can't live without a visit there. From what little I saw of the most recent convention, it doesn't look like much more than a few nights out on the town and a visit to some kind of 'mob' or GF related location.

Of course, I've only partaken in one of these things...and showed up late at that. So what do I know..???

Not that any of the above is to be counted as a 'vote', mind you. Just enjoying a streamofconsciousness.

Hope y'all were enjoying it, too!!!


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.