Nothing is set in stone here. I just posted an "Idea" to try and get the ball rolling.

But to be realistic, we need to agree on a place that the majority of us would find easy and convenient to get to.

I've tossed around the idea of Atlantic City also. The only thing that concerns me about having it in a casino atmosphere is that we may tend to "do our own thing" in a casino and that would defeat the purpose of us getting together. Then again, I may be wrong. We can just agree that we will hang together nd limit our gambling to a certain amount of time. I wouldn't have to gamble all day and personally would spend the time we allott together with everyone. but I don't know how others feel. the other Positive with AC is that we can go to a show together.

The Chicago thing was also an idea because it provided a venue for us in regards to that show.

I think that having some sort of activity or venue is a positve addition for us.

So please give your ideas!

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.