Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry aggggggggreassive. It's just like the saying says, in the poker game of life, Plaw is the rake. The fuckin rake.

I haven't watched my Rounders DVD is a long time. It's probably collecting dust as we speak.

Thanks for the in-depth reply Plaw. I guess now that I go back and read my post you are correct, I didn't mention what hand I went all-in with. I had big slick, so I didn't have any pair either, it is just hard to conceive any thought process that would consider it good to call with a 7-2 off even if he thought I was bluffing.

I am familiar with other variations of poker such as seven card stud, chicago, and omaha. When we first started having our weekly games, they were very similiar to what JG described earlier. The deal rotated between players and the dealer got to pick the game. It has been a long time since we have played with that format though. Hold em has taken over the poker world, for better or worse. I enjoy playing different games as well, just for the fact it kind of mixes it up a little. I would never feel comfortable playing any game other than texas hold em in a cash game with players other than my friends, however. I really have no skill whatsoever in reading opponents. I just basically play my hand according to implied odds, pot odds, position, etc. Playing with the same people the majority of the time not only gives me a comfort level, it also gives me a pretty good read on how everyone plays. Stepping into a casino takes away any advantage I may have. For that reason, I wouldn't consider myself to be a good poker player. If someone asked me I'd probably tell them I'm about average. Then again, I would rather be underestimated than overrated. That's why I'm tanking in fantasy baseball. I'm just doing my best Woody Harrelson to set you up for football season while you keep grinding it out on your leather ass. :p

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.